Since we are a volunteer-based nonprofit organization, we host fundraisers for the purpose of raising money for our Youth Ambassador Scholarship Fund as well as our nominal operating costs. We hope you will attend an upcoming event to learn more and find out how to get involved.
You change lives. You broaden others’ horizons, literally and figuratively. Just so happy for you and proud to be a supporter
— Valerie, YAB Supporter
One of the highlights of my life was to combine Court’s great passion for Youth Across Borders with my passion for music. Playing music live is an amazing experience. When I am able to do so while supporting my wife Court, the cause that she believes in so much, and those who share in the Youth Across Borders experience makes for a very special memory. I truly believe that music can change the world, and with Youth Across Borders there is no doubt that it is so.
- Christopher Bosca
Bracelets Across Borders
Once again, YAB supporters were generous and this project brought new support to our team. Bracelets Across Borders released color, hope and facts about youth living with HIV in the US. I learned two things with this project: people in my own circles have family impacted by HIV/AIDS and some people thought HIV and AIDS had been cured. This project brought support from people all across America and several countries to our Youth Ambassadors for the 2020 trip. A true abundant blessing!
I LOVE the YAB FUNdraisers! Taco Tuesday at The Kitchen was how I first learned about the program and I signed up immediately. A couple years later, I asked my longtime partner to marry me during another Taco Tuesday fundraiser. I invited our family and friends to come and be part of the surprise. It will be a forever memory as will all of the joy and love I felt during my three trips with Youth Across Borders.
- Keiffer